Whenever I see a deranged leftist showing their cats, the only thing that pass through my mind is that someone should save those poor felines.

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The whole point of comments like 'childless cat ladies' is to create divisions among Whites as they are the people who have the greatest 'companion animal culture'.

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Cats are pets for the intellectual aristocracy, artists and scientists, while dogs are for farmers, ranchers, and people that need guards in dangerous neighborhoods, this has always been the case. The aristocracy always had their hunting and lap dogs, but those were the chuds of the aristocracy and the smart ones always had cats.

Dumb people are incapable of understanding cat communication because it's subtle, while dogs are loud, obnoxious clowns.

There is almost no difference between a house cat and a lion or tiger, genetically or behaviorally, other than size and capacity to roar, so people who think lions are cool but hate cats are morons. Match up any size cat with a dog the same weight and the cat will kick its ass easily.

Cats are pristine and clean and smell good, and dogs are filthy and disgusting and stink.

Cats are supremely better hunters. They can survive on their own, dogs cannot and are too loud and slow to catch any prey that isn't already injured.

Cats actually love and develop individual attachments to their owners, while I'm not convinced that most dogs do -- they generally are happy to go with anyone that offers them food. Dogs are needy and pitiful and constantly manipulating for food, while cats just demand food -- they have some pride, while dogs grovel.

I have dogs and I love them, but I do think cats are vastly superior creatures.

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'Greater love hath no man than a mother cat dying to defend her kittens.’ Once you understand the problem facing that cat and how she solved it, you will then be ready to examine yourself and learn how high up the moral ladder you are capable of climbing.

- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers

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I’ll skip the toxoplasmosis, thanks.

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I generally agree with the gist of this post, but the bit about the Black Plague is wrong. Mohamed was a felinophile, and the Middle East was equally afflicted by the Black Plague.

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Cats are great animals. Second only to dogs.

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No. Tie at best.

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deletedAug 22
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Aug 22Liked by Richard Parker

Couldn't agree more. I detest the cultural view of cats these days, of how they are aloof, cold, uncaring, etc. I think most people can’t fathom actually having to earn an creature's trust and love; dogs give love freely to whoever offers food and attention. That said I love dogs as well and they have a lot of practical value but I've met so many shitty and untrained dogs that I think I appreciate the quiet grace and intelligence of cats more. Great dogs seem to be not the norm these days. Dogtards could never understand the deep love of a cat

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I missed the deleted comment. I wonder what it said

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Aug 22Liked by Richard Parker

It was the same comment, but with quite a few typos/mistakes. As it was my first time commenting on this app, I didn’t realize you couldn’t go back and edit mistakes a la Reddit. So deleted the first draft, fixed the typos, and pasted it. Lesson learned

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