Questioning Democracy in the Land of Unending Economic Disasters
The Dire Economic Consequences Likely to Result From the Infernos That Ravaged Southern California Are Just The Latest in a Decades Long Trend
Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there have been a series of “once in a lifetime” economic disasters,[1] each seemingly worse than the other: first the economic downturn in 2001 in the wake of 9/11 and other subsequent events that compounded this, the financial crisis of 2008, and the self-inflicted, slow-burn economic disaster stemming from Covid policy, compounded with hyper-inflationary spending, the combined effects of which are still unfolding today. Whether viewed as an economic disaster in its own right or a compounding event that exacerbates catastrophic policies from the past five years, the firestorm over the past week that consumed some of the wealthiest areas of the greater Los Angeles area will have a disastrous effect on the economy in ways that rival the other notable such events in just under 25 years, as such events are aptly described as simply a series of ever worsening economic disasters. These fires of course happened quite quickly. So far, however, without much comment from mainstream pundits, this event may be what finally breaks the United States and the world economy, as even the most powerful and wealthy society cannot endure an unending series of economic calamities indefinitely, over many decades. This in turn begs the question why those opposed to democrats and their insane, ludicrous policies—policies that are the very antecedents of these and other harbingers of civilizational ruin—are obligated to abide by a certain social contract underpinning the theory of a democratic republic, whereby those who are against such civilizational ruin nonetheless agree to live among these people, agree to and accept their policies, and even agree to cede power when they lose and when democrats and liberals win an election. Going beyond that, why should that portion of the citizenry, capable of seeing through all the lies and deception, be asked to support a regime that has afflicted its populace with seemingly unending succession of economic disasters, each one seemingly worse than the last, starting with the economic downturn in 2001 to 2002, to what is unfolding now. And this among so many other policies that have made our society into a dystopic nightmare.
As everyone is doubtlessly aware, several prominent sections of the greater Los Angeles area have been consumed and destroyed by a veritable firestorm. These areas include Eaton, the Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Santa Monica among others. Much of the famous Sunset Boulevard, a touchstone of modern, Hollywood-driven Unkultur, is devastated. At the time of this writing, twenty-five people, so far, have been killed by the raging infernos. Various Hollywood actors and other celebrities have lost their multi-million-dollar homes, while others, sure they would suffer the same fate, have been miraculously spared, most notably James Woods, among others. The staggering incompetence of Karen Bass, a black mestizo mongrel, and a butch lesbian fire chief, Kristen Crowley, have sparked outrage throughout much of the political spectrum that is not devoutly left-wing, from mainstream, establishment conservatives to the hard, radical right. Gaffes by California governor Gavin Newsome, a rich, reasonably handsome sociopath, have also been lambasted, with some optimistically predicting this will end his political career.
Much of the news coverage of this story centers around the “human” side of the story, soliciting sympathy for those who lost their homes, usually well-known celebrities. Most of these persons of course should elicit no such sympathy at all. Consider for example Jamie Lee Curtis, who has a transgender or non-binary son or daughter (who really knows and who can keep up, or even bother to keep up). The actress smugly chided how Knives Out takes on so-called white privilege. And let us not forget her rambling diatribe about how she was calling her Oscar statute “they/them.” There should be no tears or sympathy for such people, only Schadenfreude.
What has not been discussed—and what is infinitely more important than such sob stories—is what this will almost certainly do to the economy. In the very simplest terms, large swathes of some of the most valuable real estate on the planet have been eviscerated, incinerated even in these firestorms. The effect such losses on the economy are almost certain to be cataclysmic. There is no need to read some dry analyst report—this realization can be deduced thusly. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 razed the twin towers of the world trade center, as well as the infamous building number seven. This loss of tens of billions in real estate and in the various companies, businesses, and enterprises that were lost in whole or in part, ushered in what one would naively consider at the time a “once in a lifetime” economic calamity. That economic calamity, compounded and exacerbated by trillions expended in forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, marked an abrupt departure from the prosperity of the mid to late 90s and the dotcom bubble that had been enjoyed theretofore. The immediate aftermath of these events created, seemingly overnight, what was then the worst market for college graduates and law school graduates since World War II. The economic disaster brought on by the 9/11 attacks was compounded by other adverse events including not just the burst of the dotcom bubble, but by two securities fraud scandals of particular notoriety. The Worldcom fiasco hit wall street pretty hard, but that was eclipsed by the infamous Enron securities fraud scandal that wreaked even greater economic damage. The machinations of Kenneth Lay but particularly Andrew Fastow, a Jew, did such economic damage that the Enron scandal ultimately negatively impacted the gross national product, no small feat, at least up to that time. The effects of this were long-term. Indeed, employment numbers did not fully recover until after 2008. And everyone knows what happened that year.
An unsettling closeup of Edna Citron, also known as the the waving woman, standing among the smoldering ruins of the world trade center before the building collapsed. Of course, the events and repercussions of the terrorist attacks of September 11 have been exploited by the regime in power to evoke sentimentality, but to the extent many in Gen X, the millennial, and zoomer generations have had career trajectories stunted or even lost in the wake of the 2002 downturn, such rhetoric should be seen with the cynicism, derision, and scorn it so richly deserves. For those left behind or whose professional and personal lives were stunted, we are not unlike Edna Cintron, victims of just the first in a series of “once in a lifetime” economic disasters, waving for help that will never come while staring into the void.
However bad the recession was in 2002 (as stated, it was at time the worst market for college and law school graduates since World War II), that was dwarfed by 2008. The controlled media, while sensationalizing the economic meltdown to hamper John McCain’s presidential campaign and place the media’s weighty fingers on the scale of Barack Obama, still refrained from calling it a depression. The senseless adulation for the mongrel President notwithstanding, Barack Obama of course presided over a very stagnant recovery. The recession (or some might argue depression) ended, but there was no boom, no robust job growth. The economic disaster of 2008 was of course caused in great part by securities fraud as well as criminally reckless lending policy in relation to the housing mortgage bubble, a financial scandal that, quite shockingly, eclipses the Enron securities fraud scandal by several orders of magnitude. The predicates for this economic calamity did involve criminal malfeasance, and yet none of those in high finance who perpetrated this fraud were ever charged let alone convicted for their crimes.
That second “once in a lifetime” economic disaster, which easily subsumes and eclipses the severity and breadth of the 2002 downturn, has now been followed by recent events of the past five years, the nexus being the absurd, hysterical overreaction to the Covid pandemic of late 2019 and early 2020. Whereas the events of 2002 and 2008 hit somewhat quickly, this has been a slow-burn, unfolding slowly but persistently over the past five years. This “slow-burn” has been exacerbated by a hostile media, die Lügenpresse, which has embellished if not outright lied about the true state of things in a desperate but ultimately failed attempt to reelect Joe Biden and later elect Kamala Harris, or perhaps more accurately to simply prevent Donald Trump from winning the 2024 Presidential Campaign, whatever the cost. The media will say that inflation is down, but that does not jive with what most everyone sees at the grocery store. The media will claim that the economy is growing, but most everyone who is looking for a job asserts this is the worst job market in recent memory—this in the context of the series of economic disasters over the past twenty-three years described above.
Economic conditions have been worsened by new cultural norms in corporate America, a particularly pernicious ethos that seems to have been installed by the boomer generation.
Absurd policies tied to the Covid pandemic and rampant government spending—first with Covid stimulus, and then with unending aud sent to aid Ukraine, totalling hundreds of billions of dollars, in order to fund a proxy war that is of no concern to any country but Russia and Ukraine—are nothing short of money-printing. Those readers unaware of the dangers involved in such fiscal policy are directed to learn about what happened to the currencies of newly independent African countries in the post-war era that resorted to money-printing and inflationary spending. Of course, Covid policy not only involved printing money; they shut much of the national and world economies down, which in turn caused between one-third to one-fourth of small businesses being destroyed. The final repercussions of these insane, disastrous policies are still unfolding. And they will now be compounded by the economic loss caused by large swathes of the most valuable real estate on the planet having quite literally gone up in smoke. Much of this loss is not insured, as many insurance companies cancelled policies months before. Even if most of these properties were insured, the insurance companies would likely require a government bailout, or go bankrupt. This combined synergy between disastrous fiscal policy arising from Covid and aid to Ukraine along with these staggering losses in the fires may not only equal but surpass the economic calamity of 2008 by several orders of magnitude.
Simply consider what effect the terrorist attacks on 911 did to the country, and then consider whether the loss in property as well as of lost economic activity and growth in relation to the Los Angeles firestorm is greater or lesser than the destruction of the world trade center. Some accounts estimate the total economic loss from 9/11 to be about 33 to 40 billion dollars (this account estimates the loss at 33-36 billion), although one would think the overall negative effect from loss or downturn of commerce to be higher, just as the events of September were the catalyst for the forever wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, expending trillions in treasure and needlessly spilling blood.
The destruction from these infernos dwarves 9/11 by several orders of magnitude, with some estimates already placing the estimated economic loss at 150 billion, a number which will doubtlessly go much, much higher. Because the greater subsumes the lesser, it could be argued, inter alia, that these losses will be, to state the matter mildly, deleterious to this nation’s economy in equal or even greater proportion. The reasoning is if a sudden loss of between 33-40 billion leads to the economic downturn that occurred in 2002, a loss of 150 billion, or double that, or whatever the final toll of this disaster is, will cause economic harm in equal or greater proportion. The reasoning does have flaws however. The twin towers were centers of international commerce. The 9/11 attacks decimated economic activity in New York, a global center of commerce, but a similar effect could reasonably be expected from the ongoing events in Southern California. The terrorist attacks of course were the casus belli for seemingly endless “forever wars” that cost many trillions of dollars. The airline industry was crippled in the aftermath, government waste on the ineffectual TSA and all its ridiculous security list, and on, and on it goes.
Even so, when compounded by the economic problems that are continuing to unfold from insane, absurd policies over the past several years, the economic disaster caused by these infernos may surpass that of 2008, and possibly even rival or surpass the Great Depression. This of course would, most likely, render Donald Trump’s second term dead on arrival, theoretically a good thing if it somehow brought about someone who is the fascist lunatic lefties think he is, but most likely would bring about yet another victory for the Democrats, which would allow them to regain control of the Supreme Court once again and finally perfect the demographic transformation they have been instigating as a sort of long-haul ballot stuffing scheme for so many decades, finally consolidating their power beyond the point of no return. A hostile Supreme Court, buttressed by Cultural Marxist thought questioning the value of free speech guarantees as they pertain to so-called hate speech, would quickly usher in the sort of government oppression seen in Keir Starmer’s United Kingdom and much of the rest of the European Union. Those who are not homeless, dead, or otherwise destitute would be firmly under the foot of anarcho-tyranny, with the Democrats having consolidated power, at long last, beyond the point of no return.
Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country did to you.
As this treatise was written before the Inauguration, it is nonetheless an absolute certainty, a foregone conclusion, that there will be much rhetoric about the sanctity of the democratic system and the peaceful transition of power that will be exhibited on Inauguration Day. Such rhetoric will inevitably be uttered by those dignitaries speaking at the Inauguration as well, as media pundits covering the event over conventional mass media as well as social media and the Internet. Events associated with the infernos engulfing these areas in Southern California are only the latest instance urging the need to dispense with this idea, particularly given how these infernos are predicated on disastrous policies embraced by the Democrats. It is, at the time of this writing, somewhat unclear how all of the fires started, but at least some of them were started by arson fires instigated by homeless people, migrants, and so on. These areas, even as they are some of the most affluent areas on the planet, were besieged by various settlements populated by homeless, drug addicts, as well as migrants from Mexico and Central and South America. These settlements and encampments, having been there for years, were not just tacitly tolerated, but in fact sanctioned by California democrats and the prevailing political consensus that now dominates the state, consisting of a coalition of wealthy, privileged elites and the conglomerate of brown and black-skinned diversity party favors that Democrats have been importing in California and the nation as part of the long-haul ballot stuffing scheme described earlier. Because these homeless and migrant encampments had existed, flourished even, with the tacit blessing of the state government and political consensus in that state, the apocalyptic infernos were completely foreseeable if not to be expected. This of course is compounded by criminal malfeasance concerning neglect of water reservoirs, not ensuring water is available in the fire hydrant system, to mention nothing of absurd DEI policy that cares much more about hoisting ugly, mannish dykes into positions of authority in the fire department, when they should not be serving in such roles at all, as they replace and supplant white men who are actually capable of doing the job.[2]
Americans are quite familiar with the simplistic, even childish adage that “your rights end where my rights begin.” But we see by tolerating this abject lunacy, such demarcations are but a chimera. By fully discerning the incalculable harm caused by liberalism, several “sacred cows” that are part and parcel of mainstream American civic norms can and should be dispensed with, even among those less inclined to such radical thought. The first being the importance of “decentralization of power” and “federalism,” at least as it pertains to certain first principles for which there should be no compromise at all, as well as matters of policy that either prevent or create disasters like those aforementioned. Enclaves in places like Coeur d’Alene Idaho, or Butte Montana, or this or that hotbed of neo-Confederacy in the South may consist of political constituencies that embrace and implement sensible policies, but the idea that these places can insulate themselves from the consequences of allowing or tolerating liberal policy is ludicrous. These places cannot insulate themselves from the cultural milieu shaped and formed by mass media. Nor can they prevent transplants from places like New York or California moving elsewhere and bringing the same views that ruined California to their new homes.[3] Even setting aside these concerns, the economic meltdown that will surely arise from these disastrous policies will have a drastic and ruinous effect on the country and indeed most likely the world, and therefore in places that do resist or are hostile to democrat, liberal politics. The destruction and resulting economic calamity of these fires will affect everyone, not just in the nation but indeed the world. Nor is it the case that these fires are a unique outlier, with similar policies in New York, the financial capital of the world, indulging in other ruinous policies, from converting over one fifth of luxury hotels into centers for migrant centers, to coddling hardened, violent, mostly black or brown criminals that has set off a crime wave reminiscent of Death Wish as others make increasing reference to Escape from New York. This realization in turn calls into question underlying assumptions and norms about our democratic system, if not in absolute terms, at least insofar as they pertain to ideas, policies, and values embraced and implemented by the left in the modern world.
No one would suggest tolerating a platform advocating “efilism,” a “philosophy” of sorts—one is hesitant to call it a philosophy at all—that asserts that all life is not just suffering, but meaningless suffering. On this most dubious premise, efilism contends that if the extinction of all life on the planet, and ostensibly the universe, could be achieved, proponents of this “philosophy” would not only be justified but morally obligated to activate whatever doomsday device would exterminate all life on the planet. Free speech absolutists assert entertaining such ideas are fine because so few are inclined to adopt them. Transgender lunacy, other objectively wrong, ruinous ideas that are nonetheless popular implore the opposite conclusion. Regardless, no one would suggest tolerating a political platform advocating these ideas, and indeed any group seriously pursuing the goals of efilism would, at the very least, be tracked and monitored and, once their activities cross the threshold of criminal conspiracy, would be dealt with accordingly, or at least one would hope.
But how are democrat policies—or those embraced by the SPD, die Grünen, and die Linke in Germany or the Labour Party in the United Kingdom—really that much different than efilisim or other batshit nuttery that should simply not be tolerated? The democrat party has not just been implicated in ballot stuffing schemes, a matter our irretrievably defective legal system dismissed mostly on legal technicalities such as standing, rather than on the merits. The democrat party and other organs of Cultural Marxism have implemented another ballot stuffing of a long-haul sort, namely through demographic transformation insofar as other races and ethnic groups vote as a block in accordance with their collective, racial interests; i.e. they vote solidly democrat. The same is true for its various counterparts in Europe, including the so-called traffic light coalition between the SPD and Greens in Germany. Were it possible, these and other such shenanigans should render any social contract, whereby each political faction agrees to respect election results, utterly null and void.
Democrat policy, Cultural Marxism, and liberalism writ large have already wreaked untold suffering and death through their civilization destroying madness. The propensity for drug addiction, suicide, and a myriad of other social ills emanates from the plague of single motherhood, just one of many societal problems that have arisen through the rise of modern liberalism. This chaos and destruction is all but dwarfed by the latest implementations of leftist policy, including coddling lowlife criminals in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement and the George Floyd riots. People have lost their livelihoods because of rampant theft and lawlessness, been attacked or even murdered on mass transit and on the streets of various American cities. Black and brown migrants—who have no right to set foot on European soil—have robbed, raped, and murdered with abandon in Germany, France, Sweden, and other European nations. Leftist ideology and the implementation of such ideology through various policies have ruined millions of lives and caused untold death and suffering. The evidence of this is incontrovertible. Creating and catalyzing an existential threat propelling the Occident into racial and national suicide is grounds alone to take left-wing parties and cultural institutions and their leaders and functionaries “off the market” by whatever means necessary and available, if only that were possible. And given the compounding evils of destroying our livelihood and prosperity through various policies outlined above, the nature of the matter becomes even more clear. Remove these institutions and their leaders and functionaries from power and from public discourse, forever. Purge every last whiff of Cultural Marxist filth from the universities, the media, publishing houses, and every other cultural institution and center of power as well.
When such policies compound one another to create inferno fires that destroy large swathes of the most valuable real estate on the planet, and given how such criminal malfeasance is likely to create economic calamity and disaster that engulfs and subsumes the ever-worsening series of economic disasters that have unfolded over the past twenty three years, the moral mandate to not just stop these forces but to remove these elements form political and cultural centers of power should be evident. Beyond just a moral mandate, the instinct to self-preservation mandates this conclusion.
As set forth above, ideas and policies championed by the left have destroyed an untold number of lives, and in many instances caused the death of so many. Now, as set forth in this brief treatise, these policies are directly attributed not just to the infernos that have destroyed much of the economic engine in one of the world’s most important economic centers, but with nigh absolute certainty set in motion yet another, far worse economic disaster in just a series of ever worsening economic disasters over the past 20 plus years. Those on the dissident right are correct to place less emphasis on the importance of economic growth and prosperity—culture and race are far more important. Nonetheless, the sort of economic calamity envisaged by these infernos will very likely destroy the lives of many millions. Some, even many, are likely to become homeless, or die by suicide, or be killed in a crime wave precipitated by the hard times that are almost certain to come as a result of these disastrous policies, or suffer some other fate from a parade of horribles. Unfortunately, the only ones who count in regard to such matters are in the military and various apparatuses of the deep state. Of course, even the military is thoroughly and, it would seem, irretrievablely subverted, especially for anyone above the rank above major. And to the extent it is not, West Point graduates and the like are doubtlessly steeped in the myths and lies of American exceptionalism, the sanctity of democracy and the Constitution, and other such bullshit. But just as any inferno starts with a spark or flickering flame, the burning embers contained in treatises like this one always have the potentional to combust into flames that then burn and grown into the infernos of the sort of radical, right-wing authoritarianism that can save us—and our posterity—from this mad folly that is propelling all of Europe and the West to racial and civilizational suicide. May the words in this treatise and other such writings and utterances act as seeds that, with any providence or fortune, be dispersed in fertile soil where they may grow into a different sort of harvest, a harvest poisonous for our enemies, but rich and nourishing for our posterity and those among us who honor and revere our ancestry and seek to guarantee the future of our posterity, race, and civilization.
[1] The phrase “series of economic disasters” is reminiscent of a quote by a German staff officer in the 12th Army, lamenting that “Russian Climate is a series of natural disasters” when describing how mud in the fall and spring made the terrain impassable, to say nothing of the punishing Russian Winter. The compounding effect of facing such hardships in weather and terrain were a critical factor in the defeat of the German Armed Forces, one of the greatest war machines in the annals of military history and a most lethal instrument indeed. Such considerations demonstrate that nothing, now matter how great or mighty, is without limits as to what it can bear before succumbing to compounding hardship and adversity. This word of caution applies particularly to the United States—and thus the world economy—when one considers that since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, there have been a series of “once in a lifetime” economic calamities and disasters, each seemingly worse than the last. But whereas the German armed forces had no control over this “series of natural disasters” that was Russian weather on the Eastern Front, other than to refrain from invading the Soviet Union at all, all the economic disasters described in this treatise were predicated on choices—on policies—made by the United States government and the ruling class. Even 911, which could have been avoided if Bill Clinton had taken the attack on the USS Cole more seriously, to say nothing od the parasitic relationship between the United States and Israel. To state the matter another way, it does not have to be this way.
[2] The criminal malfeasance of Democrat politicians, policy makers, and indeed even those who support the Democrat party can be analogized to those responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks with Mens Rea standards in criminal law of criminal recklessness and malice aforethought. Al Qaeda and others perpetrated these attacks under a malice aforethought standard, similar to first degree murder in homicide. The Democrats implemented these policies that any rational person should know is likely to lead to things like arson fires, to say nothing of any number of crimes that homeless, migrants and so on afflict on the general populace, not unlike someone taking a rifle and shooting at passenger cars on a moving train and who does so with no specific intent of killing a passenger on that train, but chooses to fire at the train despite knowing that this action necessarily entails that risk: the classic example of “criminal recklessness.” Just as the government is justified in dealing with Al Qaeda and other perpetrators of 9/11, there should also be a similar response to democrat politicians, policy makers, and others of influence who are culpable for these and many other outrages, based on a “criminally reckless” standard of culpability.
[3] To be sure, at least some migrating from blue states do not do this. Many fleeing California to Texas do not agree with the state’s dominant political consensus, although some do.
Dear Readers,
I want to sincerely apologize for a handful of embarrassing typographical errors that had not bene corrected before publication. Those I found have since been corrected. Again, please accept my humblest apologies.