A Temporary Respite, A Stay of Execution:
Trump’s Historic Comeback Victory Is Good News, But Long-Term Perils Remain
Most factions opposed to the left, ranging from most mainstream conservatives to those of a more radical, enlightened persuasion, are elated as much by the defeat of Kamala-Walz as they are by the victory of Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential Campaign. There are some exceptions, of course, ranging from the well-intentioned but misguided, such as Devon Stack, Leather Apron Club and a few others, to outright pariahs that, if not part of a black propaganda campaign, might as well be: Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes in particular. Trump certainly has his faults, and while most of the criticisms levied against him are sound, the arguments, if one can call them arguments at all, that a Kamala Harris presidency would be advantageous in the long run are short-sighted at best, nefarious at worst. The Supreme Court alone, with Thomas and Alito at 78 and 74 respectively, are reason enough alone to reject such an absurd position, particularly when one realizes how powerful the United States government is and what it could be capable of in the wrong hands.
Trump’s historic comeback of course has his poor executive performance from his last administration in the background. Donald Trump was—and still is—excellent in asking most of the right questions that need to be asked, revealing the problems with mass, uncontrolled third world immigration, as well as the abject corruption of Washington, deriding it as a swamp in what have so far been empty promises to “drain the swamp.” With his reelection, there is some reason for cautious optimism. Trump has stated he was misled, and was fooled into letting the wrong people into his circle, and that he will not make the same mistake twice. Vice President elect J.D. Vance has stated that those in bad actors in the deep state responsible for the federal government’s concerted effort to bury the “Hunter Biden” laptop story will be dealt with, by losing their jobs, security clearance, and more. It has also been revealed that Donald Trump wanted to use the insurrection act to deal with BLM and Antifa riots in 2020—which were nothing less than domestic terrorism sanctioned by the media and the deep state—but was in effect prevented from doing so by General Mark Milley in particular.
Ultimately, though, Trump’s victory cannot be seen as anything other than a temporary respite, a stay of execution, as two critical factors catalyzing our dispossession and demise remain in effect. The first of course is the Great Replacement. Trump has promised to deport tens of millions of illegal aliens. Time will tell if Trump—or those in his administration—have the temerity to carry out actions that, although necessary, will be brutal and not for the faint of heart. The controlled media will be lying in wait to exploit images and videos to circumvent any such measures. Even if Trump is able to deport tens of millions of illegal aliens, the nefarious effects of the Hart-Celler act are still in play. Many mainstream conservatives are lauding Trump’s brand of multiculturalism. A majority of so-called male Hispanics[1] voted for him, and over 40 percent of “Hispanic” women did so. Over 90 percent of black women voted for Kamala Harris, and 80 percent of black males did. That blacks continue to vote overwhelmingly democrat even in the context of the past four years should dispel any doubts about race realism, just as they should, even though they probably will not, permanently discredit Conservative, Inc, pandering to blacks. If the chaos and slow-burn economic calamity, which may in actuality be worse than 2008, but has not been sensationalized because of the political interests of mass media, does not change these “people”—in the collective, aggregate, of course—nothing will. But that will not stop Conservative Inc from peddling the lie that blacks can be rehabilitated, replete with cringe-inducing rhetoric about Martin Luther King, how the democrats are the real racists, or that Robert Byrd was in the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s.
Above and beyond the demographic crisis that still afflicts us, and to which there is seemingly no end in sight, most all of the institutions of power are controlled by those interests that want to destroy Europe and the West, that seek to perfect the absolute dispossession and eventual destruction of European men and women both in Europe and the European diaspora around the world. All mass media conglomerate are wielded by those nefarious interests, although Trump winning the popular vote demonstrates that the hypnotic effect of mass media may be waning, This is in large part because Elon Musk wrestled Twitter from the likes of Vijaya Gadde and her cabal of far left radicals, as well other players in new media, particularly Joe Rogan whose series of appearances by Trump, Vance, and Musk may have well been the final, decisive factor in a country of idiot “swing” voters.
By the same token, almost all institutions of culture and education have not just been entirely subverted, but are in the absolute control of the Left. Institutions of education, at all levels, seem intractably entrenched by the far left, so much so that many (foolishly) think that home schooling and “good parenting” alone are a long term solution, rather than a stop-gap measure that has no hope of doing anything about macro, cultural trends in the long or short run. English Departments no longer teach the canon, as English teachers and professors, such as they are, teach that good grammar, writing and speaking well, are part of oppressive, racist “power structures.” Many traditional Republicans have always had a philistine aversion to matters of culture, holding higher education in contempt even when Universities were academically demanding and college was “not for everyone,” but reserved for those whose native intelligence renders them suitable for a demanding, rigorous academic environment.
These seemingly intractable problems concerning culture and who controls institutions of culture and education can be traced to many causal factors. A certain philistinism in traditional American conservatism, which ranges from disinterest to outward hostility to matters of culture is a major causal factor, but not the sole causal factor.
These cultural and educational institutions of power are still in play, and they are “in the game” for the long haul, as this process has been ongoing since Nazi Germany expelled Jewish figures in the Frankfurt School and this country, wrongly regarded as the greatest country in history by an overwhelming majority of misguided but well-meaning people, imported this cabal, where it was then seated at Columbia University, before infecting all academia not just in America but throughout the Western World. The march through the institutions, having been consummated decades ago, is still very much in effect.
This is demonstrated by the fact that just under half the country despises Donald Trump, many of whom believe he is as “bad as Hitler” or take The Handmaid’s Tale as a very serious warning about the future, rather than a poorly produced, poorly written “soap opera” offered as propaganda that, despite its many glaring flaws, somehow enjoys some modicum of success. A lot of right-wing chatter on twitter has expressed elation about the state of white women, because a majority voted for Trump. Some have disseminated a graphic showing that 69 percent of white women voted red. That graphic is in regards to the Georgia state election—white southern women tend to have a certain way about them. Nationally, the most recent figures this author has seen show just over half of white women voted for Trump; 52 percent to 47 percent is the figure touted the most, with a more recent article indicating the number of white women who voted for Harris was 45 percent.
Two charts that were disseminated on Twitter. The one on the left was used to “white pill” readers about the current state of white women. As far as this author has been able to ascertain, the table on the left actually pertains to the Georgia state election. The table on the right reflects national election data then available. Of course, the final count is still tabulated. The problem of white women is discerned regardless of whatever number final numbers are ultimately tabulated.
Almost half of white women have been weaponized against their own people and civilization, and this weaponization is the result of the peculiarly odious cultural milieu we find ourselves in, as, men and women being different, women are more susceptible to whatever the dominant narrative is. Readers are directed, as one example, to the case study of Leonie Plaar, demonstrating how the cultural milieu one is born into acts very much like a sort of programming, not that much unlike the programming of terminator cyborg in The Terminator and T2: Judgment Day respectively.
Precise data does not need to be released or considered to know that that 45-47 percent consists mostly of single white women, mostly college educated. This alone presents an unsustainable problem as it exacerbates the war among the sexes.[2] Indeed, left-wing, so-called “feminist” chatter features calls for women to boycott sex, go lesbian, or celibate.
These of course are not actual individual choices made under the chimera of “free will,” but are ideas planted in their little heads by subversive elements in the culture, from mass media to institutions of education at all levels. Unless something can be done to dismantle and destroy these centers of power in culture, education, and society, or at least wrestle and disgorge them from hostile interests that seek to destroy us, in the long run, over the decades, they will win.
Ultimately, the existential threat is democracy itself, or the deeply ingrained social norms and mores about democratic values in the particular context of the modern world in which mass media and social media exists and is wielded by powerful but hostile elements. Those values and norms may work well, for a time, when a society and civilization is unified not just by common blood, ancestry, language, history, and even religion and when the constituency is more or less in agreement regarding core, first principles, but merely disagree on the best means to accomplish those ends. In the context of modern America and indeed Europe as well, the democratic proposition is nothing other than madness: racial and civilizational suicide. At some point, probably sooner rather than later, the Democrats will win again, as their counterparts are still in power in much of Europe. They will likely temper some of the civilization-destroying evil to a limited extent, and that is only because the auspices of Biden and Harris were just that off-putting, with pride flags and Richard Levine calling himself “Rachel” and that transgender freak flashing his breasts at a white house event, but their ultimate objectives will remain the same. Absent a right-wing authoritarian junta of the sort many on the left fear Trump will bring about, even though he, alas, most assuredly will not, these people will gain power. These of course are not just mere political disagreements, but differences of first principles.
Kevin MacDonald, in his piece arguing why one should vote for Trump despite his number of shortcomings, predicts that authoritarianism is coming, either from the left or right:
We are inexorably headed to an either-or moment of autocracy, either by the left or by the right.
He is likely correct, but there are no signs that any such autocracy could be perfected by, if not the right, as there is no real, establishment right in this country, but, for lack of a better term, opposition to the left. The left controls the media, twitter and some new media, most particularly Joe Rogan, excepted, they control education, which shapes and programs each new generation during those formative years of youth. They now even control entities like the FBI and even the military, at least in regards to most if not all officers above the rank of captain. Were it possible, a purge on par with Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, but from the right, would solve this problem, but most of those opposed to the left have neither the institutional power to do so, nor do they have a mandate to do so as large numbers of people remain strongly convinced about democracy being a good unto itself and indeed a categorical imperative that is always right, regardless of any particular set of circumstances. Additionally, many, a strong majority even, are far-more concerned about the supposed “human rights” of those who want to destroy us than actually win. This is true even for many of those who thankfully rejected cackling Kamala Harris and that goofy “good white” Tim Walz and that privileged suburban wife of his, Gwen, who opened the windows of her home to take in a whiff of the smell of people’s businesses and livelihoods and burning. This may seem shocking, offensive even, to some readers, but consider that a generation of young people would not think that pronouns can somehow be customized if leftist teachers indoctrinating their pupils with far-left claptrap were, how shall we say, removed from public discourse, either by gentler or “less gentle means,” to quote Thomas Caryle’s devastating refutation of democracy, “Shooting Niagara and After.” Nor would young people be able to even conceive of the idea of transgenderism let alone be seduced to its madness if the tenets of that insane ideology were utterly expunged from our culture and political discourse by any means that are both available and effective. As the case study of Leonie Plaar reveals, remove those nefarious elements from culture and society and the programming stops, which in turn allows for a different, much more benign sort of programming to take place.
That enough people were able to disabuse themselves of the messaging of the controlled media tempers what some may consider alarmist hysteria, but even as this surprising development does offer some reason for optimism, our political enemies remain, and they remain with unimaginable wealth and power, wielding incredibly powerful institutions that are still likely to lead to the absolute consolidation of power (something Elon Musk warned about in his appearance on Joe Rogan). Such consolidation of power seems to be all but an inevitability, absent a much more radical approach to the problem, the implementation of which seems impossible, both in terms of wielding the centers of power necessary to do so and reforming and transforming societal and cultural norms about “democratic values,” “human rights,” and the like. Even so, radical revolutionary thought begins with whispers at the salon, actual or proverbial. Trump’s victory prevents Harris from consolidating power in the Supreme Court and elsewhere, as it also means the effort to ruin both Trump and Musk have been averted, at least for the time being. This in turns allows for more radical whispering and utterances to be made, But this, absent a far more radical approach at some point in the future, is likely just a temporary respite, a stay of execution before the left achieves absolute consolidation of power and final victory.
[1] Hispanic is a largely non-sensical, illusory term, invented by the United States government to describe wholly disparate peoples united only by sharing the same language, describing at once European Castilians or those of that phenotype, consider for example the lovely Ana de Armas, and dark-skinned mestizos. There are many rivalries and differences between different peoples all regarded as “Hispanic” as well.
[2] For a more thorough discussion on how these “choices” affect others, particularly white male counterparts to this fifth column of weaponized estrogen, see generally “What Other Adults Do Is Our Concern,” particularly in relation to how female promiscuity, the recent ubiquity of so-called “cam girls” and other trends affect others, particularly the sexual marketplace. The sexual or dating marketplace is more or less subject to the law of supply of demand. Every white woman indoctrinated into far-left lunacy represents one less potential girlfriend or prospective wife in the dating pool, which raises the “cost,” for lack of a better term, of the process of finding and selecting a date, cost being represented by time, effort, statistical probability of finding a suitable mate. To illustrate this in a micro-setting, social mixer of with a ratio of one suitable woman for every man offers a better prospect than a mixer consisting of two men for every suitable woman. Most may refuse to understand something so obvious, but that a sizeable number of white women are just so deluded will negatively affect society, and will affect their male counterparts in profound, incalculable ways. This of course is exacerbated by the power women, especially the most alluring women, have in the sexual marketplace. Since time immemorial, men have gone to the most extenuating lengths to gain the favor of women. This goes back to The Trojan War, as Paris had a “face to launch a thousand ships.”