Incurring the Ire of Redditors
More on the Haitians-Killing-and-Eating-Cats Allegations, Now With Redditor Disapproval
This weekend I incurred the ire of reddit leftists, with a thread on “r/skeptic” focused on this humble little publication. In a thread I posted1 concerning the Christopher Rufo story over the weekend on a rather milquetoast, blasé non-leftist subreddit in relation to the Haitian cat killing scandal, a redditor responded to a partially redacted quote of this tweet in typical fashion:
The response was the very expression of the various “source?” memes floating around.
I responded with the famous “source—I need a source,” copy pasta, which will be reproduced in meme form for the betterment and amusement of my readers:
That resulted in a mean personal message, denouncing me for being a horrible person and an “unabashed racist.”
It also compelled this person to post the article “Further Reflections on the Haitians-Killing-and-Eating Cats Scandal” on r/skeptic. Somewhat ironically, but to the surprise of no one, this individual lived up the very meme.
The thread consists entirely of hysterical, leftist invective, denouncing me and my publication for “racism.” Others accuse me of being a Russian bot. Another does not feel I have the right to breathe his oxygen.
Oh, is that racist? That does not work with me, as everyone who has read this essay knows.
More than one person objected that I use “black” as a noun. My copy of The New Shorter Oxford Dictionary confirms this usage is correct. So does my native English usage, which should count among what are assuredly, without a doubt, devout descriptivists. It is surprising there was not additional fretting about not capitalizing the word “black,” another instance of liberal neo-prescriptivism similar to how the left is redefining gender, the pronoun “they,”or proscribing the generic “he” before that.
This, if anything, is entry level “street cred.” Any right-leaning, dissident author or really anyone who shares this author’s perspective on just about anything is just not “doing it right” if he does not outrage and offend these sorts of morons and lemmings. And if that outrage is expressed on some leftist subreddit, all the better.
A few additional thoughts concerning the “Haitians-Eating-and-Killing” Cats scandal are in order. There is not definitive proof yet as to these allegations, and, while it seems incontrovertible proof supporting these allegations is just ahead, unfortunately such proof may not now be forthcoming unless someone comes forward with such incontrovertible evidence that existed before the controversy made national and international headlines, that is evidence catching Haitians “red-handed” trapping, killing, or eating cats or other house pets. This is because, as there is now national and international attention focused on this very issue, these imposters know they are being watched and, one would think, would not allow themselves to get caught now with everybody watching. But that does not mean it has not happened. Indeed, accounts such as this video have surfaced, with eyewitness testimony that Haitians were rounding up strays and ferals for slaughter.
A lot has also come out as to Haitian notoriety for eating cats, a subject beyond the scope of this short vignette. For now, consider tidbits like this:
To reiterate, police indifference, as evidenced by the statement “not on our radar,” does not disprove these allegations. The articles asserting that there “is no evidence” are taken from the statement “no credible reports” (emphasis added). That statement is vague as to time. Do they mean “no credible reports [for all time immemorial]?” That proposition seems highly improbable. Do they mean “this week,” or this month? Furthermore, it must be stressed that it is the Springfield police who decide whether something is credible or not, and have a lot of discretion in making that determination. This of course is the same police department that has been the source of so much anger and frustration because of how poorly it has responded to a wide number of outrages that have occurred since the influx of Haitians in that community. And aside from the usual police indifference where, generally, as a rule, they will scarcely fill out a police report for even grand larceny (e.g. a stolen laptop taken during a moment’s inattention at a café), the police, across the board, are particularly notorious regarding lost (or abducted) pets. With nigh certainty, that is what has happened and has been happening in Springfield and other places where this is alleged to have occurred. Citizens’ complaints about a beloved cat gone missing were most likely answered with responses like “maybe she ran off,” or “maybe she was hit with a car,” or “do you have incontrovertible proof showing Haitians doing these things, catching them red-handed?” In other words, “we do not care.”
A final consideration indicts a similar demographic to a large degree—mostly U.S. blacks. A horrible problem has been going on for the better part of two decades, in multiple American cities: namely the abduction of cats by dog-fighting rings to be used to “bait” pit bulls. Police, in many different cities and locales, have been infamously sluggish in how they respond to this crisis, only reluctantly conducting investigations some of the time, while not bothering to investigate at all in other instances. I know personally people who work with various cat-related charities and outreach efforts who have imparted horror stories that would make most people’s hair curl. One person expressed dire concern that a stray or feral who would come to greet strangers (namely yours truly) is a prime target for these “people” because that cat is so loving and trusting with strangers. The police either do nothing, ever, or very reluctantly investigate once such stories have made the headlines or concerned citizens and activists complain to such an extent that doing something about the problem then becomes the path of least resistance.
In the context of this problem, when the diversity flavor of the month is not directly involved, it can be safely assumed that concerns about disappearing cats, either lost pets, strays, or ferals, do not require such exacting and ever shifting “evidentiary” standards by such leftist rabble. This is because these “people,” to the extent one chooses to humanize them at all (surely a hotly debated topic of some controversy), have neither principles nor even intellectual or moral consistency. They hate and distrust the cops when St. George riots are afoot, call for defunding the police, and call cops “pigs” and “bastards” (there is at least some kernel of truth as to that last point to a certain limited extent, but for reasons entirely different than why leftists despise law enforcement, as we have seen from how law enforcement has responded to political witch hunts regarding January 6 and most particularly recent events the United Kingdom and even Ireland). But then, when a local police department makes a statement that fits their sordid ideological ends, they trust the police entirely and regard law enforcement in such high regard.
As stated before, these allegations could eventually be proven false. But neither police indifference nor the sort of sophistry that restates statements like “no credible reports” to mean “no evidence at all” proves anything. And as for moral outrage from redditor swine with cries of “racism” and so on and so forth, thank you all so very much for the laughs, the views, and the vindication.
I hope my readers will not hold it against me too much for posting on that cursed site. Consider however twitter account @ reddit_lies has an account. There is a difference between posting there to disrupt the hive mind in whatever way possible and being a bona fide redditor.
Getting screeched at by a reddit bro is the greatest proof you’re 100% right about something. They’re absolute parasites who have never contributed a single thing, nor produced anything of value with their hands in their life. Reddit summarises the worst humans can be. Wear their disgust with pride, brother!
This "source!" trope reminds me of a fellow grad student back in the day (or was it a prof? Hazy recollection) who offered up a clever remark and someone asked "Who said that?" to which he replied "Who said that? I (loudly, with emphasis) said that!"