Are Haitian Migrants Killing, Grilling, and Eating Cats?
Sordid Murmurings From Springfield, Ohio
There are, as of now, isolated reports of Haitian migrants killing, grilling, and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio, most particularly cats. As of this writing, this article is the only one written about this matter. is not exactly a mainstream media outlet, so as of now the story has a “fog of war” aspect to it. Indeed, accounts related to this appalling matter are mostly limited to twitter. The horrific claim seems to stem from the screenshot of this deleted Facebook account:
A screenshot alleging the unthinkable.
Someone posted screenshot, reproduced below, of the moderator team from a Facebook Group concerning an Ohio town, declaring that while the subject of the Haitian presence is not off limits per se, discussions related to this concerned are banned, because it is “racist.”
As there is no date on the first screenshot and the moderator warning is dated August 13, 2024, it is unclear if these are in fact related. It could be this has been going on for a month or longer.
There are several striking observations to made about this disturbing development, as it unfolds. An important premise underlying all of this is that cats are wildly popular on both sides of the divide. Cats are the most popular subject on the internet, second only to pornography (if the latter does not convince readers that we are lviing in a dystopia, nothing will). Some misguided persons on the right make negative comments about cats, drawing on stereotypes about crazy cat ladies and so on, but overall cats are popular across the spectrum. Cats do seem better represented in left-wing circles however, particularly on social media. It was principally leftists who lapped up the inane, bloated documentary “Don’t F**k With Cats,” which overstated the achievements of the internet sleuths who never actually identified Luke Magnotta; to the contrary, someone, almost certainly Magnotta himself, provided that name after they were getting nowhere.
Given how so many do care about cats, one would expect a robust inquiry into this matter, in order to verify or discredit the allegations. That would certainly be the case if the alleged perpetrators were white, as we have seen from other instances of cruel, gratuitous killing of cats.[1] If the allegations were that white adolescent boys were killing cats, there would be no talk about the need to source claims, or the need to be doubtful without further proof. The focus would be on acquiring proof as to those allegations, either to verify the allegations or to exonerate the accused. But since these allegations involve the diversity party favors fetishized by leftists, they turn a blind eye to this sordid matter, decrying these allegations as “racist.” In addition to Facebook moderators decreeing that such topics are off limits, reddit moderators locked the topic for further discussion on the subreddit for Springfield, Ohio. In that thread, typical reddit blather can be found, including these two posts:
A noteworthy reply and further reply in the locked post in the Springfield, Ohio, subreddit.
Others insist that Haitians do not eat cats. Never mind that there are widespread reports in Haiti of cannibalism, both in relation to the recent unrest that has occurred and in other events in their sordid history. The twitter account for Trevor Sutcliffe has soundly refuted such contentions, as he has posted several graphic photos and at least one video of Haitians killing and eating cats. The video depicts a Haitian man roasting a cat over an open fire.
This sordid development bolsters several principles most should already have embraced long ago. First, diversity is not our strength. Nothing good can come from importing third-world black and brown people into Europe and what was formerly the Anglosphere (United States, Canada, Australia, etc). This has been obvious from the start, without these allegations having been made. It should now be clear to everyone, including some leftist pigs so deluded in their ethno-masochism and diversity-is-our-strength bullshit; if love for their own people has not jarred them from their insane ethno-masochism, one would have hoped their love for cats and other animals would have. And yet, in order to cling to these mad delusions still, they exhibit the most appalling sort of cognitive dissonance and outright, abject hypocrisy. That dissonance is revealed, once again, by the mere consideration as to how they would act, and how they have acted, in relation to cruelty or gratuitous killing of cats by traditional Americans. This in turn demonstrates not only that we cannot live with the likes of Haitians (or Rwandans, or Somalians, or a seemingly unending litany of bizarre exotic nationalities and races from every dark corner of the globe), but that we cannot live among these leftist pigs and their mad fits of delusion and denial. Or at the very least a way must be found to deprive them of the ability to exercise political authority over the rest of society.
[1] See for example this account concerning the horrible fate of “Felipe the Flying Cat,” in which a white teen, seventeen, threw a cat into a lake. Whether the cat survived is unknown, suggesting the cat was probably killed. Reader discretion is advised regarding this story.