Denouncing the Half-Ass, Gaping Smile
Be Sure to Smile, Like Some Jack-Ass Game Show Host, Former Sorority Slut Turned Network Television Harpie or Other Idiot
"Beausoleil, looking at smiles and seeing only grins" - “Beausoleil,” by Current 93.
One of the most grating features of American life and more particularly so-called American popular “culture” is the ubiquity of the fake smile. The half-ass, open-mouth gape of a smile found on a variety of fake, insincere people, from game-show hosts, a certain sort of car salesmen or other shyster, to any number of personalities found on network and cable television. Savannah Guthrie is a notable offender, but probably not nearly the worst. While her academic credentials seem to preclude her from the ranks of the worst sort of bimbo, she is the one who quipped at Donald Trump saying “You are the President, you’re not like someone’s crazy Uncle.”
Smile and grin for the cameras!
See the tension in her cheekbones and brow? That is how people can tell the smile is not sincere. One also thinks of Bob Barker on the Price is Right. That idiotic smile helped lull so many, dumb, idiot Americans into believing the veneer of wholesomeness under which lies the moral decadence and profligacy that has defined America in actuality for over a century. Behind the scenes Barker was lechering after hotties like Diana Parkinson and Holly Maelstrom, and all indications are they, and others, put out, of course.
Bob Barker, with a hyena’s grin and smile endearing to many. Others sense this for what it is, the telltale sign of insincere people who want something from others or seek to manipulate others.
Guthrie and Barker are just the start. Compiling exemplars of the fake, half-ass smile could very well be an inexhaustible chore.
Ed McMahon. Yet another.
The fake smile of the dumb, idiotic American is just one of the many cultural phenomena that inform this author’s pronounced Germanophilia. While there are signs this cultural norm is changing as 80 years of occupation and saturation in American Unkultur is Americanizing Germany (and Europe) in a multitude of different ways (Jeder weiß, daß die Guten verloren), Germans traditionally have been most averse to the fake, open mouth gape of a smile, as Europeans are more generally. It is one reason attributed to Walmart’s failure in Germany (thank God or preferably Lord Odin it did fail), as the retailer mandated that its employees smile and greet customers in Walmart stores—that is to say, strangers. That just is not done in Germany. The policy mandating employees smile insincerely at customers only served to freak out and alienate misguided Germans who choose to shop at American chain stores that are contributing to the cultural colonization and ruination of their country. That is not to say Germans and other Europeans frown, they do not. They have a neutral disposition, that is not rude but also not giddy with insincere, sickly sweet Pollyannish cheerfulness. “Courteous and receptive to courtesy,” that is the standard, to reference a famous quote by one of the more cultured, sophisticated villains in cinema.
Way back in 1965, Bill Buckley wrote (in The Unmaking of a Mayor) about how difficult it is for a political newcomer (like himself running for mayor of NYC) to learn how to smile for the camera without looking like a fool or a lunatice. He was not confident that he had succeeded.
Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you. Welcome to MegaMart. I love you.